Wednesday, November 12, 2014



      I personally thought I wasn't really eating sugar, with just raw honey at the forefront of my cooking muffins, cookies , etc. . I thought I was doing great.

     Benefit of raw honey scan pages and pages, benefits of molasses can not be denied. I was eating well and the more healthy options of sweet I could find the more I would eat.

     Now mind you I don't use any processed sugars, flours, or any kind of packaged options at all. I make my own flours out of nuts, seeds and coconut mostly. I do make it though in my vitamix. I want to know it fresh and where it came from. 

   I buy honey straight from the honey farm whenever possible and I research and know my food and where it comes from as much as I can. Hopefully and mostly local if possible. There are always exceptions when you want specialty fruits ect.

I buy in bulk mostly because I make large amounts of everything so good food is readily available.

Simple articles like this helped give me little daily boosts to remind me of the damage sugar can give your body. books and places like this helped me as well. They spoke to my journey.

For me it wasn't that I was hooked on candy or processed sugars, but it was the fact that I craved it and I knew that was not a good sign. I also recognized that a spoonful of raw honey when I was upset did the trick, sometimes two spoonfuls and they were heaping I can guarantee that.

I also craved anything sweet after a meal. Did you know that if you eat something salty then sweet you will activate hunger again , even if your full?

This was something I did watch out for but I didn't want to , I wanted to be able to eat without craving it, without the need but to just get to a point IF I wanted it I could have it without it spiraling me into a constant desire to want more.

I evaluated the emotional ties and how I felt, I reflected on my life and how I acted different on sugar than off. This became the turning point for me.

My children even reminded me that I am crazy when I have sugar and they dread the thought of me eating it!

When it starts to affect more than you, get out of the selfish state and evaluate your journey!

1. Start the day with 20 oz of water!
2. Start the day with a food plan.
3. Start the day with 10 things your grateful for.
4. End your day with 10 things your grateful for.

I'll continue to elaborate on this journey daily!

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