Sunday, December 1, 2013


So much happens in between these blogs I need to figure out how to keep it short and sweet for you.

This emotional journey finds me exhausted in the times I can write and all I want to do is be silent.

The Warrior child as well as the Angel child (donor and sister) are awaiting the next phase which starts this week, Zak has been in numerous appts a day. I of course go to each one with him. Its been just him and I this month because everyone in the family is either working or has been sick with a cold and not allowed near Zak.

 Cheyenne has been with us at times and others she stays back taking care of the dogs .She has not  even been able to work(nanny for my oldest daughter) because they all had colds. So I have kept her close to me so she can stay well. She can not chance a cold since she is the donor. That can hold up the whole process.

 Appointments start at 8 am and go till around 5 and sometimes 6. Its non stop, Dr.s , oncologist, nutritionists, social workers, pharmacists, nurses,  secretaries, parking garages, and waiting rooms, dental check, lumbar punctures , blood draws, transfusions, remembering what is next, schedule, back pack, notebooks and protein bars.  I carry it all and daily have a ton more to the pile. If they hand anything to Zak he looks at me and hands it over. Its so over the top amount of information its impossible to remember it all or even think you have to.

The hardest appt. this last week was a long consult appointment with the University of Washington for radiation. The side affects have to outweigh the current situation. How in the world do you balance that out emotional ? I just sat there and listened to every word as Zak did. I had a couple questions but mostly it was a jolt both of us seemed stunned and just wanted to move on and move forward.There isn't really an option , this is the treatment for his High Risk Acute Cancer.

So he opted for being admitted for the radiation since its twice a day with a Seattle Cancer Care appt. in the middle of the day. He needs fluids and has to be watched , which would of put me in another class to learn IV hydration. He said I might as well let them transport me and take care it just would be easier. So I can go to all the appointments but Children's hospital will be transporting him and monitoring his care along the way. That will be 4 days long then 5 more days of Chemo to wipe his ANC(immune) to 0.


Cheyenne will be under going 3 days straight of shots to build her ANC up so that she can have her stem cells taken over a 1-2 day 4-6 hour process depending on each person. She will have an IV in both arms and they will take blood from one arm, filter out stem cells and give her blood back to her. This takes hours in a day that she has to just sit there and be still , watch a movie, chat with me or sleep I suppose. They will then filter out a T cell that is the most common denominator to causing GVHD. (graft verses host disease, basically refusal)

This is a quick update , short and sweet. I'll be talking about my journey as a mom soon as well here. Please keep Zak in your prayers and thoughts as we head toward transplant and a long couple months ahead before he is with me again , so that I can buff him up , build his health and get him on his feet again.

Kerri, A Warriors mom and an Angels mom(Cheyenne)